Day 2 :
Keynote Forum
Jianguo Huang
Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environmental Engineering, China
Keynote: Spacecraft charging in low earth orbit plasma driven by high voltage solar arrays in low earth orbit plasma
Time : 10:00-10:45
Jianguo Huang has completed his PhD from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the Senior Expert of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, member of expert database of Ministry of Science and Technology, China and referee expert of China Natural Fund Committee. He mainly specializes in space environment and its interaction with spacecraft. He has published more than 70 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of several academic journals.
Space vehicles immersed in space plasma are generally charged to certain potentials, which usually depend on the local plasma temperature and exposed material properties. Generally speaking, the spacecraft running in low earth orbit will experience weak surface charging due to the fact that the low earth orbit pass through the ionosphere, which is composed of dense and cold plasma with typical electron temperature of 0.2 eV. However, application of high voltage solar arrays can induce significant spacecraft charging in some situations, two typical charging events, rapid charging and normal charging, have been observed on international space station, both of which are induced by the interaction of high voltage solar arrays with space plasma and occur at exit from eclipse. For the rapid charging, with typical spikes of floating potential up to 70 volts have been observed frequently in the international space station. Such a charging situation is threatening to the safety of the space station. In this paper, the spacecraft charging driven by high voltage solar arrays is modeled. The results show that the rapid and normal charging are two different stages of the same charging process. The rapid charging, the initial stage, is a non-equilibrium charging driven by the sudden solar panel voltage switch-on at eclipse exit, in which case the charging of the cover glasses by the ambient plasma can’t respond quickly enough to block the electron collection by the solar arrays effectively. As the charging reaches equilibrium, it displays as a normal charging event with smaller floating potential. The characteristics and trends of both the rapid and normal charging are presented by calculation with international space station configurations and the results agree well with observations.
Keynote Forum
Qiu-he Peng
Nanjing University, China
Keynote: The evidence of magnetic monopoles by astronomical observation and its astrophysical implication
Time : 10:45-11:30
Jianguo Huang has completed his PhD from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the Senior Expert of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, member of expert database of Ministry of Science and Technology, China and referee expert of China Natural Fund Committee. He mainly specializes in space environment and its interaction with spacecraft. He has published more than 70 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of several academic journals.
A key observation has been reported in 2013: An abnormally strong radial magnetic field near the GC is discovered. Firstly, we demonstrate that the radiations observed from the GC are hardly emitted by the gas of accretion disk which is prevented from approaching to the GC by the abnormally strong radial magnetic field and these radiations can't be emitted by the black hole model at the Center. However, the dilemma of the black hole model at the GC be naturally solved in our model of super massive object with Magnetic Monopoles (MMs). Three predictions in our model are quantitatively in agreement with observations: It could be an astronomical observational evidence of the existence of MMs and no black hole is at the GC. Besides, making use of both the estimations for the space flux of MMs and nucleon decay catalyzed by MMs (called the RC effect) to obtain the luminosity of celestial objects by the RC effect. In terms of the formula for this RC luminosity we are able to present a unified treatment for various kinds of core collapsed supernovae , SNII, SNIb, SNIc, SLSN ( Super Luminous Supernova ) and the production mechanism for γ ray burst. The remnant of the supernova explosion is a neutron star rather than a black hole, regardless of the mass of the progenitor of the supernova. Besides, the heat source of the Earth’s core as well as the energy source needed for the white dwarf interior is the same mechanism of the energy source as supernova. This unified model can also be used to reasonably explain the possible association of the shot γ ray burst detected by the Fermi γ ray Burst Monitoring Satellite (GBM) with the September 2015 LIGO gravitational wave event GW150914. We propose that the physical mechanism of Hot Big Bang of the Universe is also nucleons decay driven by the magnetic monopoles, similar to the supernova explosion.
- Plasma Physics | Thermal or Hot Plasma | Non-thermal or Cold Plasma | Plasma Thruster
Location: Hermitage 2
John Owen Roberts
Open University, UK
Session Introduction
Manabendra Deka
Gauhati University, India
Title: Investigation of solitary waves in multi component warm Plasma with weakly relativistic effect in all the species
Manabendra Deka has completed his PhD from Gauhati University, Assam, India. He has published the papers in reputed journal Astrophysics and Space Science are (a) “Weakly Relativistic Solitary Waves in Multicomponent Plasmas With Electron Inertia”, Vol. 338,87-90, 2012,Springer, (b) “Investigation of Solitary Waves in Warm Plasma for Smaller Order Relativistic Effects with Variable Pressures and Inertia of Electrons”, Vol. 343, 609-614, 2013, Springer, (c) “Investigation of Ion Acoustic Solitons (IAS) in a Weakly Relativistic Magnetized Plasma”, Vol. 347, 109-117, 2013, Springer” and he has presented the paper in “XXXI International Conference of Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG-2013) Granada, Spain. He has participated as a speaker in International conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics December 08-10,2016 Dallas, Texas, USA.
In this paper, consider a model of multi component plasmas with weakly relativistic effects in all the species namely ions, electrons and electron beams, both compressive and rarefactive solitons are shown to exist corresponding to various modes represented by the biquadratic phase velocity (M). Simultaneous existence of either both compressive and rarefactive solitons or only compressive solitons or simply rarefactive solitons against some individual mode/modes are the most striking features of this investigation of relativistic plasma composition where the normalized speed of light is taken as c=300 throughout the consideration.
Ding Liang
Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, China
Title: Experimental research on discharging mode of helicon plasma thruster
Ding Liang has completed his PHD from Chinese Academy of Sciences and mainly focuses on electrical propulsion, thermal protection. He is interested about Helicon Plasma Thruster, VASIMR and air-breath electrical propulsion. He has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals and has been in charge of relevant programmes.
Research on Helicon Plasma Thruster (HPT) mainly focuses on coupling of RF power, magnetic confinement, discharging mode. The great advantage of HPT is higher plasma density. With applied RF power, radial velocity can convert to axial velocity through the magnetic nozzle, which will enhance the thrust. Discharging mode is determined by plasma density jump. The article illuminates the apparatus of HPT and the diagnose equipment, analyzes the plasma density of HPT flow with Langmuir probe and the RF power rang in which helicon mode established is diagnosed. The experimental result is compared with that carried out from similar experiments. The similar trend and differences are discussed considered with energy loss and coupling efficiency. Further work is arranged at the end of the article.
- Special Session
Location: Hermitage 2
Session Introduction
Qiu-he Peng
Nanjing University, China
Title: Neutrino radiation by neutron superfluid vortex and its effects pulsar spin down and pulsar kicks
Qiu-he Peng graduated from Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University at 1960 firstly teached at Peking University for 18 years and then is teaching at Nanjing University. He is mainly engaged in nuclear astrophysics , particle astrophysics and galactic astronomy research. In the field of nuclear astrophysics, Peng’s researches involve neutron stars (pulsars), the supernova explosion mechanism and the thermonuclear reaction inside the star, the synthesis of heavy elements and interstellar radioactive element such as the origin of celestial 26Al and where he has published 225 papers.
Our theory proposed in 1982 that decisive factor for spin down of pulsars with longer period (p>0.5 sec) is the neutrino radiation by neutron superfluid vortexes inside neutron stars has been confirmed by the recent observed diagram (2018) of pulsars which deviates seriously from the model of magnetic dipole radiation (the “standard model”). Based on the idea of the neutrino radiation by neutron superfluid vortexes, we proposed (at 2003) a gradual acceleration neutrino jet rocket model for pulsar kicks. The analysis based on the latest observational data published very recently for the 248 pulsars whose space velocities have already been determined reveals that pulsars probably are in a state of continuous acceleration. In other words, it is not very likely that the huge pulsar kicks are all received at once during a short period of time (less than a year) after their birth. Instead, the observed large kick velocities are probably gradually accumulated by continuous acceleration in a long period of time. On the basis of the neutrino emission from the superfluid vortexes in the neutron star interior, we propose a rocket model of neutrino jet for gradual acceleration of pulsars. We have contributed acceleration scenario of pulsars with different initial period. It is shown by the comparing the theory with the observation that our model is successful. By the neutron superfluid vortex model for pulsar kicks, we not only can explain naturally the continuous acceleration of the nascent pulsars, but also can predict very nicely the huge natal kicks of neutron stars exceed 1000 Km/s. Addition to, the observed alignment of the pulsar kicks with their spinning axes may be interpreted as the most convincing astrophysical evidence for the subtle manifestation of parity non-conservation in the deep space outside of our solar system.
- Atomic & Molecular Physics | Nuclear Physics | Space Physics | Astrophysics
Location: Hermitage 2
John Owen Roberts
Open University, UK
Session Introduction
Philip Chidibere Ihenacho
Quickening Group, Nigeria
Title: Perfect theory on the nature of electrons
Philip chidiebere ihenacho is a physicist who has over 12 of experience in physics science. He was born and educated in Nigeria. As a physicist, he has shared so many ideas around the world with a lot of scientist, mathematicians and logicians. The likes of Mishra Basudeba from India and Sigurd Vojnov are few of his collaborators. He has shared of his ideas in form of lectures and seminars at Godfrey Okoye university in Nigeria about the impossibilities of teleportations of matter in space-time and deeper realisation of Maxwell equations and has pioneered a lot of young physicist and promising people in Nigeria as a whole. He has worked briefly with blue oxygen technologies limited as a consultant and researcher for three years, before moving to Quickening Group limited as a researcher. Currently, he is working on the unifications of quantum mechanics and general relativity on his paper entitled PERFECT THEORY ON THE NATURE OF ELECTRONS a supposed paper that treated energy, space-time and matter (specifically electron). In his leisure time, he enjoys watching football, listening to music, watching movies and gazing the stars with his telescope.
In the ideas that arose from relativity, i.e the generilzed proposition that matter and energy being the same through the equation E=mc2, then the recallation also that ER=mc2 and K.E =ymc2(y=1-v2/c2) and E=square root mc2/1-v2/c2 is the portration that matter and energy is the same. Looking deeper on the previous equations, which of the two is the originator of the other? i.e., is matter the originator of energy or is energy the originator of mass? But In all accountability, relativistic theory seems complete, for it appears that a particle that has mass (kg) appears not to attain a high speed(3.0x10*8) close to that of light because of increase in mass which appears to limit matter from attaining speed close to that of light. But at the same time, the supposed nature of elementary particle like electron seems to have a vague nature, which unified it(electron) with the constant 3.0x10*8 which is generally accepted as light speed. But before enthusiastically accepting any new theory, some questions should come into the mind of the acceptor. Examples of such questions is: WHAT IS THE PERFECT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPACE, TIME, ELECTRONS MATTER AND ENERGY? For all the necessary observations one get concerning the nature and effect of electron, it seems Fermion family is a very powerful arrangement that lack a single unified truth which could have given breakthrough and a firm foundation. It is the manner in which its being interpreted is wrong but not the theory itself. WHAT IS SPACE? IS SPACE QUANTIZED? if its quantized what are the elementary particles that constitute it? When photons collide with electron, it transfers some of its energy and momentum to the electron in a compton phenomenon (change in wavelength=h/mec2(1-costiter). But as the electrons move with the energy, what traps the energy on the electrons that retains it? Does the trapping of the energy by the electrons before losing it has to do with the electron's mass or does it prove that certain untapped sea of energy called STATIONARY ENERGY exist in space time that has affinity for electrons? Is the charge and mass of electron proportional to this energy? Does it mean that when matter approaches mass of the electrons then proportionality will be felt? It means that we should treated electrons as condensed waves that could only permit energy to move with the speed of light 3.0x10*8. In free space, when energy is introduced into the system or atom, the electrons seem to be stationary only transferring energy from one electron to the other and also because the mass and size of electron is small, it requires microscope to view it. So when one views a particular electron in the tube, we think we are viewing a particular electron but what we are seeing is the next electron and in reality what we are seeing is simply energy moving from one electron to the other inform of waves with a supposed speed of light (3.0x10*8). Since the speed of energy transfer from one electron to the other is fast enough (3.0x10*8), and electron being a point particle with a mass of 9.11x10'3, one could understand that the time it takes energy to pass through electron should be close to order of planck time and reaching 5 seconds more than dozens electrons has been penetrated. So because of the fastness of the light energy and size of electron (point), it shows that when we are looking at an electron we think we are looking at a particular one rather than more and this is so because electrons are fused together without a dot separation from each other and since electrons are fused, detection of a particular energy in electron seems difficult. The difficulty in detecting a particular electron with energy on it occurs as follows:
1.The size of a single electron is too negligible to detect.
2.Since electrons appear to fuse together, detection of a particular electron with a fast moving energy(3.0x10*8) at an instant of time seems difficult because electrons are identical with each other and one must always conclude that the electrons are
moving but they do not.
Gudrun Kalmbach is a Mathematics Professor, inventor of MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik), organized 1985-2002 the Tag der Mathematik Baden-Wuerttemberg und university courses for highschool students, publishes scientific books and articles in MINT and Mathematical Physics (from 1968 to Deuteron States, NessaPubl. 2017).
A new technical running model was constructed for the states of a mathematical deuteron atomic kernel. The description requires to double up the spacetime dimensions of physics to eight with one rolled octonian U(1) coordinate for exponential functions and waves. The model includes three new methods only used by the author of this book: projective geometry and central projections for gravity; the strong geometry as a complex 2-dimensional inner deuteron space with a bounding Riemannian sphere S² for six force integrations; the symmetry of Moebius transformations MT on S²; Gleason frames GF and measures. Einstein's relativities are included on deuteron base by their representation as MT scaling factors. The inner deuteron dynamics has associated several technical constructions available as tool chest, the hedgehog driven by three potential, strong, weak interaction motors. This is presented in videos with technics from physics or solid material similar to chemistry molecule simulations.
Resulting from this geometrical, dynamical constructions with the MT symmetry and new non-commutative GF measures, the author adds as an extension the gravitational interaction for the deuteron quantum range to the standard model of physics which uses the symmetry of U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3). This is not available in other physics publications up to this date.
Zeynab Farnam
Semnan University, Iran
Title: Mass and its changing mode with speed: Density and its expansion in Einstein's relativity
I have a master's degree in remote sensing from the University of Twente in the Netherlands and another graduate degree in Light Physics from the University of tehran in iran. I am currently a PhD student.
To achieve the relation between mass and velocity, we must be aware of the factors affecting the mass when it is speeding. Stagnation, momentum and time are the most essential factors of speed recognition, and the precise definition of them helps the relationship between mass and velocity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting rest mass when it is speeding and what factors affect velocity, and what factors are ineffective at high speeds. If we correctly express the relation of velocity with pressure, gravity and density, we will reach the relation between mass and velocity. The velocity causes expansion and contraction and modifies the state of the mass, when a mass travels 299792458 meters in one second, it converts into energy and when it travels 299792458 meters in less than a second, it converts into anti-mass or meta-energy.
Partha Goswami
University of Delhi, India
Title: Nonlinear behavior of long-wavelength graphene on TMD plasmons in a 2D plasma layer
Partha Goswami has completed his MSc, MPhil and PhD from University of Delhi and is currently an Associate Professor in Physics in Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi. He has completed his Graduation from St. Xavier’s college, Ranchi. He has 30 research papers to his credit, mostly under sole authorship, published in prestigious journals of Physics.
In an earlier work, it was shown that the gate voltage tunable intra-band plasmon dispersion, for the finite doping and the long wavelength limit, in the Van der Waals hetero-structures (vdWHs) of graphene monolayer on 2D transition metal dichalcogenide (GrTMD) substrate involves the q2/3 (unconventional) behavior and not the well-known q1/2 behavior. In this communication, we investigate theoretically the nonlinear behavior of these long wavelength limit plasmons in a 2D plasma layer. The work has close analogy with the important applications of nonlinear photonics in graphene, such as harmonic generation, optical and plasmonic bistability, etc. Using the stokes expansion of the electron density we show that the group velocity of the dispersive wave exhibits approximate q-1/3 dependence rather than that corresponding to the deep water gravity waves and there is a nonlinear enhancement of the frequency due to the finite wave amplitude. The time evolution of the modulational instability of the system, giving rise to large amplitude spikes immersed in wave turbulence, throws up formation of solitonic waves initially before disintegrating into more complicated structures. A potential application of the system lies in plasmonic antenna which is suitable for applications at low power thresholds such as frequency conversion and Raman scattering.
- Plasma Physics | Dusty & Grain Plasma | Thermal Plasma | Atomic & Molecular Physics | Nuclear Physics
Location: Hermitage 2
John Owen Roberts
Open University, UK
Session Introduction
Aline I Maalouf
The Australian National University, Australia
Title: Why quantum control
Time : 11:30-12:00
Aline I. Maalouf received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering (with honors) from Balamand University, Lebanon, the M.Phil. degree in control engineering from Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K., and the Ph.D. degree in quantum control from the University of New South Wales at Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia. Her main research interests are in robust control theory, quantum control theory, and stochastic control theory. She received the ALMA prize from Balamand University, a Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholarship (in collaboration with the Said Foundation), a University International Postgraduate Award from the University of New South Wales, and was a Finalist for the Student Best Paper Award at the American Control Conference in 2009. She is a Fellow of the Cambridge Overseas Trust. She is currently a research associate and a Lecturer at the Australian National University.
As experimental quantum technology continues to improve, the idea of manipulating microscale quantum processes rather than just observing them is rapidly gaining ground. In particular, the manipulation of quantum systems using continuous measurement and feedback control has generated increasing interest in the last few years due to its potential applications in metrology, communications and other quantum technologies. Also, the area of quantum control is of theoretical interest, since it connects the well-developed field of classical optimal control theory to fundamental questions regarding the structure of information and disturbances in quantum mechanics. Therefore, significant interest has emerged in the area of quantum feedback control systems.
Extending classical control theory to the quantum domain; i.e., to physical systems whose behavior is not governed by classical physics but dominated by quantum effects, has become an important area of research. It is also an essential prerequisite for the development of novel technologies such as quantum information processing, as well as new applications in quantum optics, quantum electronics and quantum chemistry.
The most effective strategies in classical control applications involve feedback control. However, the implementation of classical feedback control for quantum systems poses severe challenges since quantum measurements tend to destroy the state of the system (wave-packet reduction).
Nevertheless, the possibility of continuous monitoring and manipulation on a natural time-scale has recently become realistic for some quantum systems. This may be viewed as a first step in the direction of closing the gap between quantum feedback control and classical control theory.
In this talk, I will define robust and optimal quantum control which are at the core of feedback control from an engineering perspective and go through my own contributions in that domain.
Shujaht Bukhari
University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Title: Twisted dust-acoustic waves and kinetic instability in a dusty plasma
Time : 12:00-12:30
Shujaht Bukhari has his expertise in the study of “Laser-Plasma Collective Processes” and “Waves and instabilities in Space & Astrophysical Complex Plasmas” with non-planner or helical wavefronts owing to the finite orbital angular momentum states. He supervised many students at BS and MS level programs. Currently he is working in the Department of Physics, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
The kinetic instability of twisted dust-acoustic (DA) wave with distinct orbital angular momentum (OAM) states is studied in an unmagnetized multi-components dusty plasma. For this purpose, the linearized Vlasov-Poisson equations are solved together by expressing the perturbed distribution function and electrostatic potential in terms of Laguerre-Gauss functions or solutions. A generalized plasma dielectric constant is derived and the existence conditions for damping/growth rates are discussed showing significant modifications in twisted dusty modes as compared to straight propagating modes. The impact of streaming speed and twist parameter are numerically examined on the growth rate instability. It has been found that parametric variation significantly modifies the threshold conditions and associated growth rate instability of twisted DA waves. The relevance of the present results to interstellar dust clouds and in laboratory plasmas is illustrated, where massive dust grains follow a Maxwellian distribution in addition to streaming electrons and non-streaming ions.
Muhammad Rafique
University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Title: Kinetic study of two temperature twisted ion acoustic waves
Time : 12:30-13:00
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rafique has completed his PhD at the age of 33 years from Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences and postdoctoral studies from University of Michigan USA. He is the director Quality Enhancement Cell at the University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, also he has served as chairman/HoD of the Department of Physics from 2013 to 2016. He has published more than 100 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
The electrostatic twisted ion acoustic wave (TIAW) with two components (hot and cold) of positive ions having distinct finite orbital angular momentum (OAM) states is investigated in an un-magnetized collision less electron-ion plasma. The Vlasov-Poisson coupled set of equation is used for the analysis of dynamics of TIAW. The Laguerre Gaussian solutions are employed on perturbed quantities owing to the helical phase structures. The dispersion properties and Landau damping rates of TIAW are analyzed both analytically and numerically. It is found that wave frequency and Landau damping rate are significantly modified in the presence of finite states of OAM. It is shown that twist parameter, hot to cold ion density and temperature ratios have significant influence on damping rate and wave frequency. The result will be useful in considering laser matter interaction and particle transport in laboratory plasmas.
Punit Kumar
University of Lucknow, India
Title: Filamentation of a short laser pulse in magnetized quantum plasma with spin polarization
Punit Kumar has expertise in Free Electron Lasers (FEL) and Plasma Physics. He introduced ion-channel guiding in FEL. He worked on laser-plasma interaction and studied wakefield and ponderomotive acceleration, parametric instabilities and other nonlinear effects. Currently, he is working on quantum plasma and is interested in analyzing the effects of spin polarization of electrons produced under the influence of high magnetic fields.
The study of electron beam-wave interaction in the presence of background plasma has attracted a lot of interest over the past few decades. This interaction has widespread application in a number of area including Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), plasma microwave electronics, x-ray burst sources, free electron lasers, cyclotron auto resonance maser oscillator, the solar corona and accelerator physics. As is well known that when an electron beam propagates in a plasma, it will induce a return current in the plasma, carried by plasma electrons, to keep neutralization of the system. The interaction results in filamentation. In plasmas, when the de Broglie wavelength of the charge carriers is comparable to the dimension of the plasma system, quantum mechanical effects are expected to play a major role in the behavior of charged plasma particles. The QHD model, which consists of a set of equations dealing with the transport of charge, momentum and energy in a plasma is the most widely used model to describe quantum effects in plasma. In recent years, quantum effects have proved to play a crucial role in ultra-small electronic devices, laser plasmas and dense astrophysical plasmas. Filamentation in quantum plasma have been studied by various authors but all the previous studies considered electrons as a single fluid of macroscopically averaged spin-1/2 plasma. The earlier papers did not show a full picture and didn’t take spin-up and spin-down interaction force into account. Very recently, a modified Separate Spin Evolution (SSE) treatment of electrons in accordance with Pauli equation has been developed. In the present paper, using the modified SSE-QHD model the filamentation of a short laser pulse in a magnetized quantum plasma is presented. Spin-up and spin-down electrons have been taken to be separate species of particles and spin-spin interaction picture has been developed. The effects of quantum Bohm potential, electron Fermi pressure and spin have also been taken into account. The direction of the external field has been taken to be along the direction of electron beam propagation in the first case and oblique in the second case. The dispersion for both the cases has been obtained and growth rate evaluated. The numerical analysis for growth rate has been carried out. The results of both the cases have been compared and analyzed. Comparison has also been done with earlier studies and the difference is critically analyzed and interpreted.
Avnindra Kumar Singh
University of Delhi, India
Title: Spectroscopic study of EUV and SXR transitions of Cu XIX with plasma parameters
Avnindra Kumar Singh has completed his PhD from University of Delhi while serving as an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi. He has completed his Postdoctoral Studies from Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland, UK in 2010. He has published more than 35 papers in reputed journals.
Extensive and elaborate theoretical computations of Cu XIX have been performed by employing Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) method. We have presented energy levels and radiative data such as, transition wavelengths, radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths for electric dipole (E1) transitions in Na-like Cu. For other types of transitions, namely magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2), only the A-values are listed. We have also discussed the importance and the effect of Valence-Valence (VV) and Core-Valence (CV) correlations on the excitation energies in graphical as well as in tabular form. The accuracies of the presented levels, wavelengths, transition rates and lifetimes are assessed by comparing them to available experimental and other theoretical results. Analogous calculations have been carried out by using Flexible Atomic Code (FAC) based on self-consistent Dirac-Fock-Slater iteration method. QED corrections due to vacuum polarization and self-energy effects and Breit correction due to the exchange of virtual photons between two electrons are fully considered and their effects on the energy levels are studied graphically. The fine-structure energy levels have also been reported by using the Configuration Interaction (CIV3) technique. An inter-comparison among three independent calculations helps us in assessing the credibility and integrity of our reported data. Additionally, we have shown the variation of the line intensity ratios and electron density with plasma temperature graphically for Cu XIX. We have also identified Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) and Soft X-ray (SXR) transitions and believe that our reported results may be beneficial in space and laboratory plasma research.