Biography: Gudrun Kalmbach H E
A new technical running model was constructed for the states of a mathematical deuteron atomic kernel. The description requires to double up the spacetime dimensions of physics to eight with one rolled octonian U(1) coordinate for exponential functions and waves. The model includes three new methods only used by the author of this book: projective geometry and central projections for gravity; the strong geometry as a complex 2-dimensional inner deuteron space with a bounding Riemannian sphere S² for six force integrations; the symmetry of Moebius transformations MT on S²; Gleason frames GF and measures. Einstein's relativities are included on deuteron base by their representation as MT scaling factors. The inner deuteron dynamics has associated several technical constructions available as tool chest, the hedgehog driven by three potential, strong, weak interaction motors. This is presented in videos with technics from physics or solid material similar to chemistry molecule simulations.
Resulting from this geometrical, dynamical constructions with the MT symmetry and new non-commutative GF measures, the author adds as an extension the gravitational interaction for the deuteron quantum range to the standard model of physics which uses the symmetry of U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3). This is not available in other physics publications up to this date.